This article argues that the contemporary political processes of Latin America, marked by the rise of some right-wing governments, defenders and promoters of an ultraconservative moral agenda, make visible attempts at re-subordination by groups or social sectors that during the last decades experienced significant emancipations in the field of sexuality and gender. The Rhetoric of the Master are discursive articulations that try to restore the patriarchal masculine power where it was questioned or displaced and is intensified in any area of collective and personal life. We are facing phallic restitutions that try to reconstruct the pacts and the masculine political genealogies to resubordinate the subjects and collectives that have faced or resisted them. Contemporary strategies of patriarchal re-subordination combine micro and macro-political interventions, attend to affections and beliefs, and use both the language of law and multiple practices of violence.
Latin America, conservatism, phallus, masculinity, patriarchy, subordination.
Parrini Roses, R. (2019). Rhetorics of the master. Policies of masculinity and phallic restorations. Nomadías, (27), 183–205. Retrieved from