In this paper we are interested in investigating two issues that have been studied in relation to hegemonic discourses of eugenics and its responsibility in building a model of female sexuality, but have been meagerly investigated in other locutions. So, here we analyze the eugenics and neo-Malthusian anarchist discourse with the intention of placing it as a locution that, in contrast to the hegemonic, led to the sexual freedom of women. Our focus for this in the production of two doctors anarchists who, with great display until the second half of the twentieth century, acted within the anarchist movement nationally and internationally.These doctors, far from the dominant ideas of the time, defended innovative proposals on sex education, birth control, conscious and voluntary motherhood and sexual freedom of women.
eugenics, anarchism, sexual freedom, medical discourse
Ledesma Prietto, N. (2012). Notes on eugenics and sexual freedom in the the discourse of two anarchists doctors. Argentina, 1930-1940. Nomadías, (16), Pág. 75–97. Retrieved from