In the present study, the main objective is to uncover the implications of the textual strategies deployed by the enunciating voice to confront violence exercised against her, both under the Chilean dictatorship and post-di tatorship. For these purposes, the argument is based on three main axes. The first one aims to the reconstruction of a broken memory, which is a product of post-traumatic conditions. The second one deals with the practices of violence, considering the nuances that they acquire when the aggression is towards a woman and, in this sense, is of particular interest the role reversal game that occurs between the victim and the victimizer. Finally, in a final section, we will explore the positioning of these marginal individual discourses in the public space, mediated by a dictatorship or a post-dictatorship, and the consequences of this in front of the hegemonic discourses.
Muñoz Albornoz, N. (2012). The feminine discourse of resistance against the dictatorial violence in Fátima Sime’s Carne de perra. Nomadías, (15), Pág. 91–106. Retrieved from