Milpa, wisdoms and language in education practices of tsotsiles children and teachers of school zone 010 from Chenalho, Chiapas, Mexico


  • Josefa Vásquez


This research reports the meanings that the teachers of the native’ primary education level of the school zones 010 of the Municipality of Chiapas, México, attribute to their teaching practice with tsotsil children from the agricultural work “milpa”, (the community harvest). Through the milpa and other activities, the tsotsil boys and girls build up their knowledges of the productive, cultural and social life, revendicating that these people have a specific pedagogy from which they construct their knowledge’s and language. Also, it was detected how these knowledge’s as an opportunity to legitimize them within the plans and curricula. This with the aim to generate skills, competences and evaluations from the pedagogy instead of being a subsystem developing arbitrary knowledge’s due to a cultural imposition. This research was developed from the qualitative basis paradigm, with an interpretative-comprehensive focusing; and to understand this phenomenon in depth, addressed to both teachers and children according to the criterion for selection; and in order to guarantee the credibility of the findings a theoretical triangulation was made.


milpa, pedagogy, intercultures