Dinámica sociopolítica del conflicto y la violencia en territorio mapuche. Particularidades históricas de un nuevo ciclo en las relaciones contenciosas



From an empirical and historical approach, this research looks at the course of contemporarycon-tention in Mapuche territory. Drawing both upon secondary sources and first-hand testimonies of mobilized Mapuche communities in Arauco Province, this paper reveals innovations and significant continuities within the current cycle of contentious relations among the Chilean state, the Mapuche movement and the big forest capital. Paying particular attention to the socio-political context, this study analyzes the ongoing dynamic transformation, on one hand, of the suppression of Mapuche protests, and on the other hand, of the modalities of collective action itself and its discursive foundations. This paper addresses a new cycle of contention marked by the rise of violence, unrest, and the closure of institutional and political channels. The authors argue that the explicative sources of contention and its by-product violence mainly stems from the very interaction among the actors, the frames and repertories of the protest, and the institutional political scenario itself.


contention, mapuche movement, collective violence, repression, repertoires, cognitive frames