Conquest and foundation of the earthly city


  • Roberto Suazo Gómez Universidad de Chile


The present article provides an up-to-date reading of the so called ‘historical novels' or ‘city novels' by Carlos Droguett. In particular, his novels focused on the conquest and founding of the city of Santiago (100 Gotas de Sangre y 200 de Sudor and Supay el cristiano) mark the droguettian narrative project first's coordinate, oriented towards a remaking and rewriting of the Chilean and Latin American history, in a literary-historiography which looks for its sources, its documentary evidence, within the enormous archive conformed by all that blood, all those deaths eluded "with silence or noise". 100 Gotas de Sangre y 200 de Sudor and Supay el cristiano are the first pages of what we here call Chilean History according to Carlos Droguett. But, in addition, both novels would be tributary of the documentary source previously elaborated by the historian Crescente Errázuriz in his Historia de Chile bajo Pedro de Valdivia.


Droguett, History, Literature, conquest, founding