The weeping woman, the Ciguanaba and other female ghosts. Typological configuration and leyendary motivs


  • David Mañero Lozano Universidad de Jaén


The first purpose of this work is to analyze the typological configuration of the Weeping Woman legend through a comparative study of the oral testimonies disseminated in Latin America and USA. On the other hand, by examining the stories about this legendary figure, we try to identify the folk motifs shared with other spectral figures. For this purpose, we study with detail the correspondences between the Ciguanaba, the Dirty, and the Cegua, which we consider as manifestations of the same character from the typological point of view. Finally, we offer an approach to other female spectral prototypes that also have connections with the Weeping Woman and the Ciguanaba. Our objective is to define the motives associated to the different figures and their specific features.


Weeping Woman, Ciguanaba, legends, oral tradition, female ghosts