The takeovers of farms in the province of Cautín (Chile), 1967-1973


  • Jesús Ángel Redondo Doctor en Historia. Investigador postdoctoral en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile


In the next paper, we will study the land takeovers in the province of Cautín between 1967 and 1973, because this province was not only one of the main centers of these conflicts, but also because it has been one of the provinces that has had a bigger attention by the researches about rural disputes in Chile during these troubled years. Through a detailed analysis of regional documentation, we have carried out a quantification, classification and characterization of the land takeovers and the subjects who performed them. Through a detailed analysis of regional documentation, we have carried out a quantification, classification and characterization of the land takeovers and the subjects who performed them. Our ultimate goal is to review and reassess some of the traditional views and conceptions that exist about this protest expression and the rural disputes in the province.


Rural disputes, land takeovers, violence, Cautín, peasantry, mapuche