Behavioural Organization Under Stimulus-Stimulus Contingencies and Their Presentation in Four Different Locations in an Expanded Experimental Space



Stimulus-stimulus contingencies were evaluated in four different locations within a 92 x 92 cm experimental chamber. A 10 second light (such as EC) was presented followed by a delivery of water from a dispenser. After that, the intertrial interval (I) began. A new presentation of the light and the water was given in the next dispenser in a different location and so on until four dispensers were completed. Between phases, the value of I (15, 30, 60 and 120 s) was manipulated; between groups, the effect of descending (Group 1) or ascending (Group 2) sequence on I values was evaluated. The frequency and percentage of time of head entry response was analysed as well as analogue path to give a complementary account of the directionality of behaviour. The analysis showed that the frequency of head entry and the coincidence between this and the water deliveries were greater at higher values of I. Persistent behaviour was present at low values of I. The elevation ratio analysed by subject did not show homogeneous changes. The elevation ratio increased when analysed globally without distinguishing between groups or conditions. The analogue path allowed us to appreciate the occurrence of persistence in the displacement and in the location.


stimulus-stimulus contingencies, displacement, directionality of behaviour, elevation ratio, space


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